
Sunday, May 6, 2012

New Painting for May 2012 "Nautilus Spiral"

"Nautilus Spiral"
oil on linen 12x12" $ NFS

New painting. Been reading about the golden section lately and it's naturally occurring spirals which occurs in the nautilus shell among other forms.  This coincided with my mother picking up a book on Thomas Gainsborough for me which I found interesting. Gainsborough along with James McNeil Whistler, Georgia O'Keefe and many of the "Modern" painters obtained a delightful surface texture as seen during many visits to the Museum of the Chicago Art Institute.  I set out to obtain that texture here and was successful. Thanks go to Southern Illinois University at Carbondale's painting instruction from back around the year 2000. Rock and roll! Now that I have a solid technique it is on to increasing the sizes of my paintings (in the manner of O'Keefe) and negotiating trends a bit more assertively ...